Friday, June 08, 2007

"If you happen to pass by 84, Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me. I owe it so much."

I received 84, Charing Cross Road as a Christmas gift, but I had not delved into it yet. It is a brief little epistolary novel, and I decided to take it with me last week. I read it in 2 sittings, and it gave me so much to look forward to as I was chaperoning kids and attending somewhat boring presentations for three days. It's a book you can't stop reading, and I love any epistolary work because it really feels like you are reading something you shouldn't be. (I'm not sure what that says about me. I'm nosy, I guess.)

The premise of the story is an American book lover (Helene) who adores antique books despite the fact that she has limited funds. She writes letters to Marks & Co., a London bookseller, and she forms a relationship with the store manager that spans decades. They become close friends who are very different in many ways, but they bond over their shared love of literature and a similar sense of humor. As suggested by the quote I included in my title for this post, Helene gains much more than antique books from her experiences with Marks & Co. The book has some funny moments, but it is also touching, and I finished the book wishing that the characters were close friends of mine. (Book Lovers, you know what I mean.)

It was the highlight of my week, and I'd definitely read it again. (I don't say that often.) Thanks, Cathy for the suggestion! Highly recommended.


Carrie said...

ooh, it sounds good! I might have to read it.

hey, welcome to the blogosphere!

Andi said...

We must be reading twins! I just read 84 Charing Cross Road last weekend, and today I've ordered Special Topics in Calamity Physics!

Run out and grab the movie version of 84 Charing Cross Road as soon as you can. Anthony Hopkins and Anne Bancroft are just fantastic in it.