Sunday, August 05, 2007

A Sad Farewell

My summer is over.

I know for you non-teacher folks out there, it's "so what, you cry baby with 9 weeks of vacation in the middle of the year." But seriously, it is a very difficult adjustment.

This week was full of little tasks I had to complete to be ready for the year ahead. A highlight was definitely spending my Georgia Teacher Gift Card. (I totally thought that was an election year ploy, but it's back and I'm grateful for that!) Every teacher in the state of GA gets to spend a $100 Visa gift card on classroom supplies. My tally: lots of fun bulletin board stuff, 5 reams of colored paper, bright and cheerful post-it notes, class sets of highlighters, fun grading pens, a wire sorter for my desk, and sticky-tack to hang posters. I really love shopping for office supplies. Weird, I know. The ridiculous thing is that I will spend more money when you include hand sanitizer, tissues, instructional supplements, etc. throughout the year. Crazy!

Anyway, this time of year is always bittersweet for me. In one way, I am predominantly really sad to see summer go and return to my 5:30 a.m. alarm clock and Sunday night panic of the school year, but at the same time I like the "fresh slate" feeling of August. I feel lucky that I am in a profession where I really get to start over every 12 months. New kids, some new material - change is always refreshing.

An fair warning, though. This blog will soon include less discussion of books read for fun and more discussion (begging for advice) on teaching and reading and writing dilemmas. Thanks to all of you for your comments this summer as I have delved into the blogosphere. It's been fun, and I am determined to keep it up as the mad rush of the semester begins!

The best part of going back? Back to school shopping, of course. I'm acquiring some hot pink ballet crocs that should be here any day. I'll definitely be posting a picture.


Andi said...

I've been in the beginning-of-school tizzy. I teach community college (for two of them, actually), and we have new hire orientation coming up, I have to get my web site cranking, not to mention making a schedule for the entire semester ahead of time (my very least favorite part). But, I love the whole new beginnings thing. And tweaking my syllabi every year is fun for some reason. Go figure!

Amanda Roper said...

I love office supplies. I'm currently in love with the Pilot Varsity Disposable Fountain Pen.

Kristin said...

I love office supplies too. Seriously, I need to go back to school just so I can buy some spiral notebooks or something!