Thursday, July 05, 2007

My family is at least as crazy as yours.

I have relatives in town from Texas, so this Fourth of July turned into a little bit of a family reunion. My niece is 3 and a half years old. Usually people entertain children with toys, books, movies. Not us.

We place a "thump bug" in an aluminum dish pan to watch it jump. And then we have a conversation about it.

Uncle: "Look, Peyton. It's a Jump bug!"

Great Aunt #1: "No. It's a Thump bug. T-H-U-M-P. Thump."

Great Aunt#2: "Are you sure that it's not a Blister bug? My daddy had to chop down a tree once because it was covered in Blister bugs. They land on your hand or somethin' and leave a blister where they were."

Great Aunt #1: "Look Peyton! It's thumping. That's because it's a Thump bug."

Uncle's Girlfriend (not from the south): "Is that the scientific name for them?"

Aunt #1: "Well, yeah. What else would they be called?"

Aunt#2: "What she needs now is a frog in a shoebox. Then it could smoke a cigarette."

Everyone: "Huh?"

Aunt#2: "Yeah. My cousins used to do that when we were little. If you get a cigarette started, and then put it the frog's mouth, it'll smoke it."

I mean what's more entertaining than this? Oh, how I love the dirty south.


Anonymous said...

and that's not even mentioning the smoking frogs..... thump bugs, june bugs on a string. lightening bugs in mason jars. and why do i have a million dollars worth of toys in my house?

Andi said...

Whahahahaha!!!! I love it. Sounds like my family get-togethes in TX. I grew up northeast of Dallas (just moved to NC recently). Yeehaw!

Gonna have to try that smoking frog thing, too.

Kelly said...

Everyone here in Texas calls me a foreigner : )