Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Need. Sleep. Already.

Quick update - I will post something a little more reflective over the weekend.
  • I have 146 students. At the moment, all of the Jennies, Christies, and Maddies are looking just alike, but I'll manage to figure it out soon.
  • I have 32 ninth graders in one room during the last period of the day. Enough said.
  • I am already loving British Lit....and that's when we are only on Beowulf. I'm getting a good vibe from my students in that class, and I think it'll be a good year.
  • I wore new shoes on the first day of school. BAD idea - lots of blisters. (But let's be honest, I looked cute.)
  • I must have done something horrible in a past life because I am looking at year number 2 of being the yearbook advisor.
  • I have 95 summer reading tests to grade right now, but instead I am blogging and thinking about starting a new fluff book. I have no shame in the fluffy book department right now. Reading Beowulf and grading papers leave me sorely needing some fun.
  • Okay. More later. I'm off to have a glass of wine with my chick lit.

1 comment:

Andi said...

Good Lord, that's a lot of students! It's been a while since I've had that many, and this semester will be the closest I've come in a long time (probably about 120). It'll take me foreverrr to learn their names.

Glad you're enjoying the British lit! And definitely indulge in some fun reading.