For my seventh gratitude entry of the year, I am sincerely grateful for all of our support from friends and family as we prepare for the arrival of Baby Jude. Preparing for a new baby is such an exciting task but also a very overwhelming one. There are products to research and things to buy, and the weight of it all can seem heavy to say the least. I'm thankful that I have friends and family who not only remind me that Jude will be happy if he simply has lots of love but also happily share in the joy (and some of the burden) of what is to come. As I glance at the calendar and see my due date looming about 4 weeks away, I can say that at least our home is ready thanks to our generous family and friends.
The best thing about baby showers is that you can celebrate with so many people you maybe don't get to see as often as you'd like. While yes the gifts are appreciated, the company is even better! I was lucky enough to celebrate Jude's arrival 4 times in the past few months.
family shower with my in-laws
family shower at my sister's house
a fabulous childrens' book shower with some lovely English teacher hostesses....Jude's bookshelves are stocked!
a lovely tea with my favorites - Brenau ladies welcoming baby Jude!
His drawers are full of clothes - many of which were donated or gifted from friends and family, and the nursery is stocked and ready to go..... crib sheets, wipes, diaper cream, childrens' books, toys, bottles, and over 300 newborn diapers. I can't say thank you enough for all of the support we've received. Jude is so lucky to come in to world that is so excited to welcome him!