So I really want to go do some Target and Trader Joe's shopping, but instead I'm waiting on the carpet cleaner people to finish up with my house, so I'm stuck here for a while. I figure what better way to pass the time than to update my often neglected blog?
I hope everyone had a shiny holiday season and a fun new year. You'd think that a whole 2 weeks off would mean I could blog every now and then, but the husband and I were busy busy busy around here. Christmas Eve was my family, Christmas Day was his, and then there was a fast trip to Chattanooga and a fast trip to Birmingham so by the time New Year's Eve was here, I was needing a holiday from my holiday! ....Not to mention those essays I brought home. Ahem, procrastination anyone?
On another note, I have a good feeling about 2008, lots of good things happening. I will have a niece number two this spring - YAY; we are traveling to Europe this summer for a long-awaited trip; there is talk of a much-needed beach reunion among some old college friends this summer, and I am finally feeling comfortable and settled after our move last year.
Life is good and I have an iPhone. I can't complain.
New Year's Eve turned out to be loads of fun as we spent it with some of our old friends....not that any of us are old but we've known these folks for quite some time.
Why do camera flashes love my fair skin?
I've now spent 9 New Year's Eves with this person. Scary, I know.
So all in all, I had a fabulous holiday and am looking forward to an even better year. I feel much more rejuvinated now that I have had a break from school, and I am excited that British Lit is a semester course so I can repeat what worked and change what didn't.
I received a number of great books for Christmas, so I have a lot of reading to do. I recieved On Beauty, Ecology of a Cracker Childhood, and one crazy Brazilian I know gave me something new and different that I am anxious to crack open and begin. (On that note, I loved Heroines, and there is a review coming soon.)
I hope everyone had a great holiday season and you are easily transitioning back to the daily grind. Here's to a great 2008!